
Website Updates.....

I'm working on some new idea's for the web site.  Anyone have any ideas that would be cool?  Even if you read this one year from now, but have a cool idea, let me know about it!  I may implement it!

Here's what I've got so far, as far as idea's go.  I'm surfing other podcast websites to get these, btw.  Seems like some good ideas being used elsewhere, may as well give them a shot here.

Meet The Host
This would be ny bio page, where I list my other activities and tell a little about me.

Well Duh.  This page would include links to contact me at Myspace, The Metal Shop Forum, Email, and maybe eventually a number for fans to leave phone messages.

This page would contain a direct link to The Metal Shop Forum, and maybe a couple of other forums that I hang out at like the HRO forum.  Not sure yet.

Promote the show
This page would include promotional goodies for the fans, including links to download mp3 promos of the show for use on other podcasts and such, as well as codes for html banners, and codes for html flash players that play individual episodes of the show, or the entire feed.

Behind The Scenes
This would be a link directly to this blog so that people can read the behind the scenes happenings.

That's all I've got so far.  Let me know if you have any good ones.

Oh, and thanks to everyone who's subscribed to the blog.  You rule!

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